I lost my camera the day before I left for Denton at the end of May. [Jagger Bombs may or may not have been involved in the misplacement of said camera.] This weekend, while declaring myself on “Hurricane Vacation,” hanging out in my apartment with my evacuated friends and refusing to change out of my yoga pants, I decided to go through my photo files and delete the unnecessary images. You know, 72 photos of a bowl full of hummus, nine photos of a leaf, and the several dozen duplicate photos I had moved from one folder to another. I needed to make room for all the memories I was about to start capturing. Looking through the files, I was in awe. This summer was easily the best summer of my New York life, and I only imagine the fall and winter following suit. it seems that this year really is golden. To top it all off, I truly can’t believe how much of the summer I have documented via photograph. Thanks to my blends, friends, former-boyfriend, and trusty blackberry. As autumn rolls into town, I have the very best news for my life. Dreams do come true, my friends.

I now present to you,
The first seven photos I took with my new Nikon ColorPix.*

DSCN0978 DSCN0979 DSCN0980 DSCN0983 DSCN0988 DSCN0991 DSCN0999

In summation, clearly I’m still figuring this little guy out ;)


* You would probably not be shocked by the following email chain, between Courtney and myself. Oops.: