Run On korean drama review

Run On
0 people found this review helpful
by Sarann55
1 hour ago
13 of 16 episodes seen
Rewatch Value8.0

Best in a long time!

I don't do 10s. This is the best rating I've ever given to any drama. At first it was a little hard to like it, because it's like nothing I've seen. Completely character driven, which I love, the dialogue is fast and funny, but in translation and with subtitles it's a little harder to catch the tone of the wit. But witty it is, and sarcastic, and eccentric. Nearly every character is odd in their own way, and some are very unlikable, anti-social, sociopathic - yet I like them. There is hardly any character in this drama who is unlikable - perhaps one, and yet even he has moments of humanity. It did take a little while for this drama to get into its stride, but it is well worth the wait. Much of the drama feels aimless, while characters spend time finding their direction, but as they begin to find their feed, the story begins to blossom, has setbacks, but continues. This is a very human drama, makes me feel warm and fuzzy without being sentimental, and also touches on some real issues which seem to pervade Korean society. It may be unrealistic in some ways (no one seems to be really struggling or overwhelmed by life, for example , but in other ways it shows relationships in down to earth, maybe even humdrum detail, but makes them engaging and beautiful. Can;t recommend it enough.